Reddit AMA: Live!

Have a question for the War Stories anthology team? They’re now conducting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) over on Reddit.

Here’s who’ll be on hand to answer some questions:

  • Andrew Liptak & Jaym Gates
  • Maurice Broaddus
  • Greg Drobny
  • Jake Kerr
  • Yoon Ha Lee
  • Rich Larson
  • Karin Lowachee
  • Linda Nagata
  • Mike Sizemore
  • Janine Spendlove
  • James L. Sutter

Reddit AMA

War Stories AMA

On Reddit? War Stories editors Andrew Liptak and Jaym Gates will have an AMA session on October 30th! Also joining them will be authors: Maurice Broaddus, Jake Kerr, Yoon Ha Lee, Rich Larson, Karin Lowachee, Linda Nagata, Mike Sizemore, Janine Spendlove and James L. Sutter!

Come check us out here.

Kickstarter Funding: 50%!

We’re happy to report that our Kickstarter is coming along nicely. After an explosive start, we’ve just hit the 50% mark with $5,071 pledged among 144 backers!

We’re thankful to all of our backers who’ve contributed thus far, and we’re excited that we’ve had such a response from the SF/F community.

We still have a ways to go, and we have some pretty cool stretch goals should we go beyond what we’re hoping to pull in. We can announce our first stretch goal: Once we hit $11,000, we’ll be releasing Janine Spendlove’s first novel in her War of the Seasons trilogy, War of the Seasons, Book One: The Human, to ALL backers to the project!

If you’ve yet to pledge to the project, and would like to do so, kindly proceed to our Kickstarter Page.

Guest Posts!

Both of our co-editors, Andrew Liptak and Jaym Gates have been out and about in the blogosphere, talking about why they have come to edit a Military SF anthology.

Jaym’s over at Book Life Now with a post titled War Stories, People Stories:

My co-editor, Andrew Liptak, and I wanted their stories to be told. The history, the technology, the political and social triggers, all those elements of war are fascinating, and could fill endless books. But what does it look like from the ground? What are the stories from the front lines, the aftermath, the hospital? What does war do to the internal landscape of soldiers and civilians? How do we, as humans, survive, recover, move on, break, adapt to the unique and awful stress of conflict?

Andrew’s over at A Dribble of Ink, with a post titled Extreme Ways of War Stories:

I read and enjoy Military SF for that reason: it presents a range of situations that are literally life and death for its characters. When I studied for my Masters in Military History, I was struck at how the lessons from warfare could be applicable to the decision-making process of a CEO in charge of a business – learning quickly to determine, accurately understand and approach a problem. For soldiers and officers, this is a critical process, as their lives sometimes depend on the ability for this to happen quickly, and correctly. Military SF can be used for the same ends: examine major problems, placed into extreme situations.


Pledge to War Stories over on Kickstarer.


Author Announcement: Karin Lowachee

We are pleased to announce that Karin Lowachee has joined the growing ranks of the War Stories Army!

Karin was born in South America, grew up in Canada, and worked in the Arctic. Her first novel Warchild won the 2001 Warner Aspect First Novel Contest. Both Warchild (2002) and her third novel Cagebird (2005) were finalists for the Philip K. Dick Award. Cagebird won the Prix Aurora Award in 2006 for Best Long-Form Work in English and the Spectrum Award also in 2006. Her second novel, Burndive, debuted at #7 on the Locus Bestseller List. Her books have been translated into French, Hebrew, and Japanese, and her short stories have appeared in anthologies edited by Julie Czerneda, Nalo Hopkinson, and John Joseph Adams. Her latest novel, The Gaslight Dogs, was published in 2010.









New Backer Rewards: TC McCarthy

We’re adding in two additional, limited rewards at the $150 and $250 level: a tuckerization and a story critique, both from author TC McCarthy.
Here’s the descriptions:

$150 Level

Lt. Commander Draco: You will have the opportunity to have a character named in the story by T.C. McCarthy. You will also be issued: (1) Trade Paperback and (1) eBook edition of War Stories. You’ll be thanked in the book’s Contributor Roster, you’ll be included in all future updates from HQ and you’ll get a Desktop background for your computer.

$250 Level

Lt. Colonel Delphinus: You are hereby ordered to report to editors Andrew Liptak and Jaym Gates, who will provide a critique of one of your short stories (no longer than 10,000 words). Note: this story will not be examined in consideration for this particular project. You will be issued (1) Trade Paperback and (1) eBook edition of War Stories. You’ll be thanked in the book’s Contributor Roster, you’ll be included in all future updates from HQ and you’ll get a Desktop background for your computer.

If you’re an existing backer and want to claim this (there’s only one of each!), you can adjust their pledge.

Pledge here!

Author Update: Maurice Broaddus

We’re happy to announce that Maurice Broaddus is joining War Stories!

Marcus has written hundreds of short stories, essays, novellas, and articles. His dark fiction has been published in numerous magazines, anthologies, and web sites, including Asimov’s Science Fiction, Cemetery Dance, Apex Magazine, and Weird Tales Magazine. He is the co-editor of the Dark Faith anthology series (Apex Books) and the author of the urban fantasy trilogy, Knights of Breton Court (Angry Robot Books). He has been a teaching artist for over five years, teaching creative writing to students of all ages. Visit his site


Author Update: Rich Larson


We’re pleased to announce that Rich Larson is joining the War Stories Table of Contents with his story ‘Ghost Girl’!

Rich was born in West Africa, has studied in Rhode Island, and at 21 now lives in Edmonton, Alberta. He was a finalist for the 2013 Dell Award and won the 2012 Rannu Prize for Writers of Speculative Fiction. In 2011 his cyberpunk novel Devolution was a finalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. His short work has since received honorable mention from Writers of the Future and appears or is forthcoming in Lightspeed, DSF, Strange Horizons, Apex Magazine, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, AE and many others. Find him at