
War Stories is no longer open to submissions.


War Stories is seeking original military science fiction of 1000-7500 words. Stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. We’re starting with a pay rate of 5¢/word for original fiction. This rate is will change provided we reach a certain funding level with the Kickstarter. Please format your document as a .doc, .docx or .rtf file.

What we’re looking for in a story:

We want top-notch original military science fiction stories that are contemporary, innovative, relevant and exciting. We want to speak to the civilians and soldiers of the last decade, keeping in mind the collective experiences of the wars in the Middle East and Africa, from all sides of conflicts. We’re not looking for stories that are necessarily set in the present or near future, but stories that take to heart the major themes and lessons that we’ve seen. Stories on different planets, timelines, with power armor, spaceships, robots and more are welcome.

We believe that the science fiction/fantasy genre’s diversity is its greatest strength, and we wish that viewpoint to be reflected in our story content and our submission queues; we welcome submissions from writers of every race, religion, nationality, gender, and sexual orientation. We are particularly interested in receiving stories from POC and female authors. 

We are not accepting reprints at this time.

Cover Letter: Christie Yant’s post is a good model to follow.

Format: William Shunn’s Manuscript Format is a good model to follow.

We are listed on Duotrope.

23 thoughts on “Submissions

  1. Pingback: Back in the saddle

  2. Pingback: LA By Night 2013: Interactive Writing Panel | The Universes of Jason Andrew

  3. Pingback: Counting Down with some Updates | War Stories

  4. Pingback: Update on Progress | War Stories

  5. Pingback: War Stories Kickstarter Launch! | Book View Cafe Blog

  6. Pingback: War Stories – - Submission Guidelines | Apex Publications

      • Excellent. I have a refugee story already written but just started a new story that might be better and was debating which to use. Great anthology premise by the way. I studied a lot of epic literature/Greek theatre/genre fiction as war stories/war commentary/PTSD examination in college, so this grabbed my interest right away.

  7. Would you like authors to indicate whether they are PoC or female in the cover letter? I’ve always wondered what “we are especially interested in…” entails in practice. Thanks so much for clarifying! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Anthology Markets « Angela Benedetti

  9. Pingback: Kickstarter Followup Report | Book View Cafe Blog

  10. Pingback: Deadline | Robbie MacNiven

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